When paying via a mobile phone or smart watch, Apple/Google Pay uses the device/virtual account number instead of providing your physical credit or debit card number (IE the 16 digit card number on the physical card). This number is only used by that specific iPhone/Android device and often referred to as card number masking or tokenisation.
In this scenario, the last 4 digits of the card number on the transaction/receipt will not match the last 4 digits of the physical card shown on your card. The app will show a picture of the correct card in your payment app but the last 4 digits in your virtual wallet for the card will be different as a security measure against fraud. For any mobile payments, you will have to know the last 4 digits shown in your Apple Wallet or Google Wallet to identify the correct transaction for any refund.
Here’s a step by step guide to identifying the correct last 4 digits on both Apple Pay and Google Pay.